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Lucy Huddleston Vincent

(404) 510-1639 • lhuddleston6@gatech.edu • Ycullucy28@gmail.com

Skilled engineer and researcher currently breaking into data science. Experience applying data science and machine learning techniques to research, modeling and simulation, systems engineering, design, and optimization.


• Modeling and simulation of complex systems, incorporating surrogate models and advanced design methods into sizing and synthesis of aircraft, missile, and space systems
• Research and chemical process development
• Data analysis and mathematical modeling of physical processes
• Application of Design of Experiments (DOEs), Multi-Attribute Decision Making methods, and Optimization algorithms
• Statistical Analysis using JMP and R
• Web design and mobile app design: HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript, Django, CodeIgniter, Android Studio
• Computer programming in Python, Java, and C++
• Writing technical reports, and preparing and giving technical presentations
• Microsoft Office: Excel, Word, and PowerPoint
• Soldering, machining, welding, and manufacturing carbon fiber parts
• Dedicated hard worker; comfortable working solo or as part of a team


Aerospace Systems Design Laboratory (ASDL), Atlanta, Georgia (May 2017 to present)
Graduate Research Associate
• Currently using data science and machine learning methods to develop Mass Estimating Relationships for Liquid Rocket Engines to be used in conceptual design of lunar landers and incorporated in sizing/synthesis/optimization tools
• Currently developing a geometry reasoning and mass properties estimation tool in Python for conceptual lunar lander design which outputs possible lander configurations for given component geometry
• Developed a modeling and simulation environment for missile solid rocket motors as the Propulsion System Lead for the 2017-2018 AIAA Missile Design Competition team; Used surrogate models and DOEs to optimize the design of a long-range torpedo delivery system
• Developed trajectory models for analyzing navigation sensor performance and estimating combined sensor performance for Draper; Used an artificial neural net (ANN) to create an automated decision making program to optimize navigation sensor architectures for any given environment and/or mission type
• Designed web interface for and collaborated on development of a dynamic, model-based Mission Planners Guide for the Space Launch System (SLS) with NASA’s Advanced Concepts Office

NASA MSFC Advanced Concepts Office, Huntsville, Alabama (May 2018 to August 2018)
Graduate Intern
• Developed a planetary protection plan for the Mars Ascent Vehicle Solid Rocket Motor (SRM) to prevent biological contamination of the Martian surface; Investigated current and proposed methods for sterilizing solid rocket motors including Dry Heat Microbial Reduction (DHMR), radiation, ethylene oxide incorporation, and bio-barriers
• Performed risk reduction assessment of naturally aged SRM hot fire test
• Performed 3D modeling and printing of SLS and space vehicle scale models

Polymer Aging Concepts Inc., Dahlonega, Georgia (September 2013 to present)
Laboratory Manager / Research Analyst
• Constructed and executed research projects and ran lab trials to further primary company research into aging of plastics, rubbers, solid rocket fuels, and other polymers
• Co-developed process techniques and trial plans throughout entire development process of several formulations of age monitoring sensors; Designed sensors to mimic aging characteristics and be similar in composition to solid rocket propellants and blowout prevention rubber
• Developed method used for initial quality assessment and degradation prediction of rocket propellant age monitoring sensors
• Improved and greatly expanded the mathematical model used for correlating sensor degradation and rocket propellant degradation
• Assisted in writing final technical reports for multiple Department of Defense contracts
• Participated in technical presentations given to contract technical monitors and other high-ranking personnel from government agencies and contractors
• Assisted in manufacturing projects involving packaging design and fabrication
• Interfaced with field experts and personnel from organizations including the Missile Defense Agency, Orbital ATK, Aerojet Rocketdyne, Army CRADA, and the Air Force Research Laboratory

Vendormate Inc., Atlanta, Georgia (June 2009 to July 2014)
Credentialing Analyst / Receptionist
• Credentialing specialist, analyzing and verifying documents and credentials for over 125,000 sales representatives visiting registered hospitals

Education and Training

Georgia Institute of Technology (May 2017 to December 2019)
Master of Science in Aerospace Engineering, GPA: 3.57
• Focus in Combustion/Thermodynamics and Fixed Wing Design/Optimization

North Georgia College and State University (August 2009 to May 2013)
Bachelor of Science in Physics, GPA: 3.35
• Additional classes in computer science, web development, and mobile application design

Lanier Technical College (July 2010-June 2011)
Engine Builder Certificate
• Additional classes in machining, welding, fabrication, carbon fiber manufacture,

Professional Organizations/Community Service

Member of the National Association of Rocketry (NAR) (October 2016 to present)
• Level 1 High Power Rocketry Certification

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) (November 2016 to present)

Yahoola Outdoors (January 2016 to May 2017)
• Web developer and helped organize annual 5K

Gamma Sigma Sigma National Service Sorority (January 2011-May 2013)